Tuesday, January 03, 2006

No Air-con

Imagine walking to your work in about 27C degree heat and high humidity for about half an hour, and on arrival at said workplace you find that the airconditioning wasn't working on your floor. Now, that's just YOUR floor, not any of the other floors in the building. So you get into the elevator already sweating, and then you sit at your desk and sweat some more. This was the lovely scenario which greeted me on my first day back at work for the new year. After about two hours I had drunk well over a litre of water - and still didn't have to take a leak. I probably had sweated out about 2 litres by then.

The one sided conversation one of my work colleagues had with our maintenance team, when he finally got on to them, went something like this:
"Hi, did you know there is no air conditioning here on level 7?"
"Oh ok, I'm number 17 am I?"
"So when do you think they'll fix it?"
"Ok, well, it would be good if they did it sometime this year, I guess thats a pretty wide spectrum of opportunity for someone to come and look at it"
"No, thank you - you've been soooo helpful"

Of course, the obligatory "Cockhead" was spoken as the phone was placed back into its cradle.

This would normally have been the situation which would have made for a very stressful day, leading in to a stressful evening with the kids, however, I managed to get off the floor to a cooler office for most of the day, and on top of that, we got to go home a bit earlier due to those working on that floor being able to leave earlier due to the 40C+ temperatures reached by lunch time.

Ciao for Now, Angry Dad.


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