Saturday, April 22, 2006

Piddling on the Toilet Seat

One of my current pet hates is that in a house full of predominantly males, we still have the situation of wee on the toilet seat. Now, you'd think that with only one female this shouldn't be a problem. (Well, technically there are two females in the family, but Wednesday only uses the toilet as a water bowl, which is equally as gross). Anth will keep the toilet seat down, generally with the cover as well.

For us males, with the exception of Callum who is still in nappies, we all should know that when you go to the loo for number ones, you lift the seat up if it isn't up already. Not my boys. They are quite happy to piss wherever their fancy takes them. I thought it may have only been Aidan who does this, but no, Ethan is up to this trick as well. Fortunately, Anth keeps a spray bottle of toilet cleaner in their toilet, but its still no fun to have to do the wipe everytime you go in there.

Its interesting that a young chap by the name of Tyler Stewart actually has invented a device called the Wee Pee Siren which ensures that you put the toilet seat down after you've been to the toilet. It is basically a siren attached to the seat, which goes off if you leave the seat up. Now, if you could extend that by having some kind of sensor on the seat so that when they wee on it, the siren also goes off, I'm sure we could do some reasonable training to rid our household of this menace to society.

I can just see my children of the future, being shunned in workplaces and pubs, after befouling the toilets. There are discussion lists on this topic, for which one of the responses I read could be applied to an adult partaking this activity. If you were caught you would be challenged with these words:

Ciao for Now, Seat Wiping Angry Dad.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Whew - I am soooooo glad that I don't have this problem - Toby learned to lift the seat at a young age because he was so short he couldn't aim with the seat down!

Now if I can just get him to flush....ewwww

11:54 pm  
Blogger j.sterling said...

LMFAO! they just try to pee through the hole?!?! HAHAH! think of the incredible aiming skills they'll have as adults!
the siren thing cracks me up! but that might make the kids shit on the floor

6:12 am  

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