Sunday, January 22, 2006

The Last Day List

Why is it that on the last day of any set of holidays, I tend to try to do all of those things which I've been putting off all through the holidays. This morning, I had to get the 3 monthly buzz cut. As I was sitting there with my wife running the clippers through my hair, I grabbed a part of the daily paper which detailed that the way to get things done was to make a list. So once the hair was cut, and my Samson like locks were cleaned from the floor, I pulled out a pen and made the list.

First on the agenda was to clean out a part of the garage so that I could cater for items two and three. These were respectively to shift an old microwave which had been sitting in a box in the kitchen, and my old cassette tapes which had been sitting in boxes in the hallway, from their static positions in the house out to the garage. Fourth was the easy task of going to get the dog from the kennel. I don't know why I put this on the list, as it was a done deal anyway. Fifth was to fix up the computer chair in which the holding bolts had fallen out. Other than the dog, all of these things had been little niggly activities I've kept putting off.

I wrote the list at around 10:00am. By lunchtime I'd managed to not do anything at all, and then Anthea decided she was going shopping. I sat on the rocking chair with the baby, and watched the cricket. Around 1:00pm we had lunch, then it was time for more cricket, more baby, more rocking, and a little kip. Around 4:00pm Anth asked if I'd done anything on the list yet. Nup. Nada. Nyet.

However, the principle of the list must get some credence, as I lifted my bum out of the rocker and went outside and cleaned the garage. Between 4:00 and 6:00pm I did the garage, shifted the microwave, and the tapes, and went up and got the dog. I also went to Bunnings and got screws to fix the chair, and then fixed the chair. All this included having the kids "help out" where appropriate.

I have read that if you are in the habit of making lists, you should treat them as though it is the last day of the activity, and get everything done early. Its not for me. I know how I work, and I'm not gonna change now. Viva the Last Day List!

Ciao for Now, Angry Dad.


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