Cubby Houses
Anth told me a cute story last night as we were laying in bed. Yesterday, Callum was a little shit. Yes, I know that's not cute, and you shouldn't say a baby is a shit, but he was. He truly lived up to his name of the Appendage. Anth could not put him down. When I got home, if she even attempted to pass him to me, screaming. Put him on the floor, screaming. In his high chair, screaming. Little shit.
I had my final practice of TaeKwonDo before my first grading, so I left her, babe in arms, to look after both the Boy, and the Baby. Ethan and I would do a changeover at the hall, and soon she had all three. Contrary to my belief that it would have been terrible, and that I'd come back to her with no hair left, I came back and she was serene and calm.
It turned out that Ethan must have had an innate sense that Mummy was quite stressed. When he got home, he changed without whining. He helped Aidan at Dinner, and when they were done, he took Aidan to get changed into his pyjamas. He then did the same himself, with minimal oversite. Then they did a shocking thing, in that Aidan and Ethan actually played together. Ethan is not generally good at this, as it is difficult to hold Aidan's attention. However, in this case, both of them went into Aidan's room and made Cubby Houses with their doonas. Anth says she was almost in tears. To top it off, they then both came out with books, and asked her ever so nicely if she could read them stories for bed.
All the kids then gathered in Aidan's room, where 2 stories were read, and then Ethan, for being such a good boy, got another in his bed. Both boys were asleep when I got home. I don't know what planets were in alignment last night, but the older kids were good, Callum settled down, Anth was happy, so ultimately I was happy!
Ciao for Now, I'm Happy if She's Happy Angry Dad.
I had my final practice of TaeKwonDo before my first grading, so I left her, babe in arms, to look after both the Boy, and the Baby. Ethan and I would do a changeover at the hall, and soon she had all three. Contrary to my belief that it would have been terrible, and that I'd come back to her with no hair left, I came back and she was serene and calm.
It turned out that Ethan must have had an innate sense that Mummy was quite stressed. When he got home, he changed without whining. He helped Aidan at Dinner, and when they were done, he took Aidan to get changed into his pyjamas. He then did the same himself, with minimal oversite. Then they did a shocking thing, in that Aidan and Ethan actually played together. Ethan is not generally good at this, as it is difficult to hold Aidan's attention. However, in this case, both of them went into Aidan's room and made Cubby Houses with their doonas. Anth says she was almost in tears. To top it off, they then both came out with books, and asked her ever so nicely if she could read them stories for bed.
All the kids then gathered in Aidan's room, where 2 stories were read, and then Ethan, for being such a good boy, got another in his bed. Both boys were asleep when I got home. I don't know what planets were in alignment last night, but the older kids were good, Callum settled down, Anth was happy, so ultimately I was happy!
Ciao for Now, I'm Happy if She's Happy Angry Dad.
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