Friday, March 24, 2006

Sleeping with the enemy

You wouldn't really think it, but sleeping with a baby can be a tricky situation. There are plenty of good articles on how to make the best of the sleep situation, and there are whole arguments for and against co-sleeping. We co-sleep with Callum.

Now, for a guy sleeping with a baby, here are my top five least favourite ways to wake up:

No. 5. Waking up with a start, because the baby made a noise.
When Callum first slept with us, he used to wake up a lot wanting feeds. Initially, I used to wake up with Anth so she could feed. There is no way she actually believes this, but it was true for maybe 2 days. Then I got over it and tiredness kicked in. I'm glad my breast don't got milk.

No 4. Waking with a start, fearing you've rolled on top of the baby.
Another one I did a lot when Callum first came into the bed. I'm so big, and he was so little, I'd wake up in fear that I'd rolled on him, and didn't know it. I do, however, seem to have an in-built sense which has stopped me from ever doing this with our kids. I guess it helps that I don't go to bed pissed.

No. 3. Waking up with a start, fearing you've rolled out of bed.
As the Appendage got less co-dependent, he's started stretching out more. As he stretches, I move over to give him room. If either of the other kids comes into bed, I find myself with barely a side body width to sleep in the bed width, hence waking up thinking you're about to fall out of bed.

No. 2. Waking up to the groin kick.
Even with a baby half your size, they still manage to do that twitch with the leg that gets you in the balls. Enough said.

No. 1. (Drumroll please) Waking up with your underarm hairs being pulled.
I totally hate this. Callum has an unbelievable pincer grip. My underarm hairs, though as steely as pubes, seem to fascinate him if he's awake and I'm not. He pulls at them. A sure fire way to wake up as Angry Dad... and there's nothing you can do because he's laughing.

Ciao for Now, Hairless Underarm Angry Dad.


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