Wednesday, July 05, 2006


After posting a few times about how I need to practice more with the kids I thought maybe I'd try out the 'humour' option which a number of commenters recommended. I guess laughter is the best medicine, not just for dealing with kids, but for dealing with life. So when I do have the opportunity to change Callum's nappy, I've been trying to do the whole "A Wooga wooga woozey ka bloozey" baby talk thing, and doing the "blurt a belly" to keep him happy whilst I rip his nappy off, and whip a new nappy back on. Anth would tell you that this has probably only happened once in the past week, but it was once where I didn't have to struggle too hard! Actually, Anth would tell you that she still changes the bulk of the nappies, which is also true.

The strategy also works better with the older kids. After suffering from self inflicted and baby inflicted lack of sleep, I find that I get very short with most people, but particularly with the kids. I am trying, however, to counter shouting and yelling with more fun asides when trying to get the kids to do what I want them to do. This means being a bit stupider when getting them to go to bed, rather than just demanding they go to bed. For example, dancing around Ethan's room as you have him lay down for you and watch, usually works better than the drag and drop routine!

Anth still thinks I'm stupid at times, but at least it makes her laugh. The other night when I came home, Callum was at the back door watching the dog. Wednesday stood up when she saw I was home, and Callum was laughing at her through the back glass door. I, of course, thought it would be fun to get Wednesday to bark at both of us, but no matter how much I jumped around, pointed, made silent "Oogie Woogie Boogie" faces at her, she just looked at me like I was an idiot, you know, that cocked head dog look. I turned around, and Anth was keeled over in hysterics, and only could just get out "What the hell are you doing???" before collapsing on the floor! I was being Fun-da-Mental!

Ciao for Now, Keep 'em Laughing Angry Dad.


Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

Hi AD, That is a great appraoch. Does Anth do that too when she changes the nappies? Or does she have her own technique for fighting the nappy fight. It is truly hard when you have a wriggling baby to hold down and excrement is involved, and you only have two hands.

Keep laughing, Lisa

12:00 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You go Dad! Acting silly and being able to laugh at yourself certainly makes the parenting gig more fun!

Oh, and Robbie won today! Go Australia!

8:00 am  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Acting silly - is there any other way?? hehe

Nothing like a dog's blank stare to bring you back to reality...LOL

11:07 am  
Blogger mollymcmo said...

i am a schreecher and a shrieker, i think thats just my way.

but great approach, silliness and laughing.....ummm you may be onto something!


3:53 pm  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

HEHEHEHE. That's funny. i love those looks that dogs will give a person. We have a little beagle, Daisy, and she always gives me that cocked head look, I swear to Gawd she's thinking, "what in the HELL do you think you're doing? Idiot. I live in a house with a bunch of certified morons!" :) too funny.

You are on the right track with being funny with the kids I think. I wish I had more of that silliness in me.

12:53 am  

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