Saturday, August 19, 2006

Some people shouldn't be parents

We get the Brisbane newspaper, the Courier Mail, delivered each day. It is generally only Saturday and Sunday when I get the opportunity to read most of it. Sometimes, its a reflection of a sad world that we live in. Tonight, as I read the World News sections I was struck by the idiocy of two particular parents, and one can only hope that their children are taken far away from them. In one case, that has already happened by one of the worst ways imaginable. I normally like to keep a nice, sarcastic blog happening, but I warn you now, that the following discussion will contain issues which may offend some readers.

The first article I came across was about a woman who was jailed for giving heroin to her 9 year old son. She also gave him crack cocaine. Fortunately she's been jailed for nine years, and her son is now in foster care and recovery. She did it for 3 years from 2003 through 2005. What can I say but stupid, selfish bitch. Fortunately, the judge in this case judged her "pure wickedness" appropriately and she was charged with child cruelty. If you want to ruin your own life with drugs, then go ahead, but don't foster it onto your children. I do realise, however, that in our society this seems to be often the case.

The second article I came across was far more heinous. So much so I had to go out to Anth and ask her if she'd read the article about a particularly stupid fuckwit from England, who upon hearing his wife was to leave him and take the children, decided that it would be more self serving if he jumped off a hotel balcony with them. He threw his son off, and then jumped with his daughter. They were on a family holiday in Greece. Unfortunately, the 6 year old boy died. Fuckwit survived with only a broken arm and leg, and the sole fortunate thing was that he cushioned the blow for his daughter. Allegedly he had been on a drug and alcohol fuelled binge when he did it. No excuse. This is another incredibly tragic story.

Its these kinds of stories that make me worry for humanity, although I know the world's press tend to sensationalise and go for the stories at the extreme ends of humanity's woes. I can only hope that my kids and my family, my friends families, and their friends don't have to go through these kinds of tragedies.

Ciao for Now, Somewhat Saddened but really Angry Dad.


Blogger Grim Reality Girl said...

The news makes me lose hope. Those stories break my heart and I find myself not watching news on TV as a result. I can only take so much... So now I get my news online. What gives me hope is what I see in a lot of blogs that I visit -- parents who love the heck out of their kids and who are making the most of the gift of parenting.

By the way, fuckwit is the perfect name for that guy.

2:49 am  
Blogger carrie said...

I have never, even before I had children, been able to spymathize with the "temporary insanity" pleas that come from the lawyers of people like this. HELLO, they have to be insane to commit something like that and frankly, I don't give a rip about their mental fagilty. Sometimes I think that if we lived in a country that took punishment of people who committed crimes against children more seriously, maybe there would be a lot less of this craziness going on. I could go on and on, it angers me to no end, and I wish that the prisons would just let them all go at each other with weapons (I know, not very nice, huh? But, really, neither is giving your kid cocaine, no matter how sad you are).


3:25 am  
Blogger LBA said...

Unfortunately, there's stuff like this in the papers EVERY freaking day :((

Heads Up, People: Do yourself in, don't take others, and especially children, down with you.

gahhh --- doing my head in -- must refrain from writing any more here ...

12:03 pm  
Blogger caz said...

Hi AngryDad, I read your piece and share your anger and obvious frustration. The tragedy is of course, that there are people out there who should be parents but cannot be for one reason or another, and there are, as you point out, those who should not have the privilege of having children. All this pales into insignificance when you think of the thousands of children who die from aids and other diseases, war, starvation, and the numbers are increasing. The solution?, I'm afraid I don't have one. My blog address is go to Why Is It?, and click 'A sad conclusion. I'm sure you will agree, and it may throw some light on people who abuse children.

Buckets of the best,


10:47 am  

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