Thursday, August 17, 2006

Annoyingly Anonymous

When my kids grow up, I hope that they won't hide behind a veil of secrecy when they want to put forward an opinion. I hope that they have the courage to speak their minds and not just go up as Anonymous. This probably sounds ironic, from a bloke that posts under the pseudonym of Angry Dad. This has come about from the nuisance which is the Anonymous commenter on Blogger.

I allow anyone to comment on this blog. The problem that I'm currently finding is that I'm getting a consistent amount of commenters putting up gems such as:

"This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.This site is one of the best »"

What a nice thing to say. Why thank you, yes, I am one of the best, and the most modest too. But wait, what's that little » you've tacked on the end there? Why that wouldn't be a link out to your porn or advertising site would it? Why you sly dog, you don't like me at all. You're just doing Search Engine Optimisation via stealth.

My personal take on this is that the person who puts the comments on is more than likely a real person, as I'm not sure if someone's come up with an efficient way to break Google's Word Verification via automatic means. The shitful thing is I feel like I have to go and clean them up afterwards, which is a pain in the bum. I could turn on comment moderation, but that just seems like extra work as well, so as long as they don't do it too much, I guess I'll just keep deleting them. I just wish they got the message, but I doubt they will. I'll shut up now before I sound like too much of a frustrated computer nerd.

Ciao for Now, Deleting Mr Anonymous Angry Dad.


Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

Ugh. Totally agree. I found Tons of these comments in my archives. I had to put the dreaded word verification system on it to prevent some of that kind of activity.


7:40 am  
Blogger Grim Reality Girl said...

I too joined the ranks of those using word verification (though those letters really don't spell words....). I hate making others use it and I hate using it myself, but it DOES cut down on comment spam. Good luck! Know that we are angry about this too!!!

12:31 pm  
Blogger carrie said...

Thank god I am not cool enough to attract any of the >> people!!


7:14 pm  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

See, I wouldn't have even know to click on the little >> on the end. that's probably why don't they spam me, it would be lost on a dork like me. Oh yeah, and cuz I also have comment moderation! :)

11:24 pm  

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