Friday, July 07, 2006

When they were young

You can notice the changes in Callum almost every day at the moment. He's moving out of that baby baby stage, and although he's still a baby, he's more into the crawler/mobile baby area now. He is beginning to investigate standing up, and can now scoot around faster than most of us can catch him. He has got the crawling thing down pat, and it is up on all fours where he is getting his power. This got me thinking about the other kids when they were little, so I had a scan through some old electronic photos I had.

Here's a picture of Ethan at what I think was his second birthday. Well, there were two candles on the cake! Note the look on his face. If it was now, I'd think he were thinking about how he was going to get to eat some cake after he blew out the candles, but back then, I think it was the whole concept of candles on a cup-cake with the fire burning which kept his eyes saucer wide.

Aidan was also a bit of a mischief maker as a young one. Not much has changed. After his seizure, he lost the few motor functions he had. As he recovered he spent a lot of time shuffling around on his behind. It took him until around the age of four to begin to stand up, so bum shuffling was his method of transportation for a fair while. One of his favourite things to do was to go and sit in the bookshelf, probably because that's where the Bart Simpson doll was kept. He'd move Bart out, and then scoot in their himself. He was always very proud when we discovered him there!

Ciao for Now, Reminiscing Angry Dad.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Love that picture of Aidan! Too cute - its seems like only yesterday he was born - man how time flies

7:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have beautiful children.

Yes, the time does fly. My youngest is 4 and I miss having a baby in the house...but maybe not the diapers and sleep deprivation!

10:02 am  

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