Friday, October 27, 2006

1+1+1 is 3

I swear that as a child I never had to do the level of homework that our kids seem to get. Every morning, at the kitchen table, Ethan does his homework. Often, I've already headed off to work, but today I was running a bit late, so I got to see Ethan doing math. He is quite good with all of his work, although I think the he has a bit more of a preference for counting.

This morning there was a whole section on balloons. There were balloons in boxes, and individual balloons and balloons that were blown up. The questions were along the lines of "Mary wants to take away 8 balloons, show how to count these from the boxes and write how many are left." At least I know that if he doesn't get a job as an accountant, he can always get a job at a restaurant making balloon animals.

A common car conversation always is: "Dad. What is 1999 + 1999?" If you don't know already, its 3998. It seems that this is one of the highest numbers he can get a grasp of. Its always met with a gasp of awe when I give the answer straight away. He must be imagining how many fingers and toes I've counted up to get to the answer. I don't know why he never asks me to count the kids, but if he does I have the answer. 1+1+1 is 3.

Ciao for Now, Counting Angry Dad.


Blogger Jenn said...

One day he'll change the number and you'll be all like - uhhhh uhhhh ummmmm

*counting in head.....
carry the 4*


12:31 am  
Blogger Melissa said...

At our house it is still 100 plus 100 and I'm okay with that. Reading I was great at but I got lost in math somewhere about the third grade. 1999 + 1999 would have made me think to hard. :)

5:03 am  
Blogger LBA said...

I am so crap at Maths.

I use the Hubs as my own personal calculator, so it's normally me trying to trick him up with tough math questions like these :)

Now i'm thinking of that Telstra ad .. about the Great Wall of China .. built to keep the rabbits out .. :)

4:17 pm  
Blogger mollymcmo said...

i still use my fingers to count.
scary? could be but my fingers haven't failed me yet ;)


9:56 pm  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

That's so funny. My boys give me math equations like that too and sometimes I know them and sometimes I don't. They already think I am an idiot so it doesn't matter either way. :) I really can't impress them at this point.

3:51 am  

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