Friday, February 10, 2006

Acts of Discovery

Anthea said last night's post on Tongue Twisters was crap. Not just bad, but crap, and that my standards have dropped. I admit I was tired, but I didn't think it was that bad! Blogging is a bit of a voyage of discovery for me. I am amazed at what people put out there, the quality of writing - both excellent and appalling, and the oddities which bring people 15 minutes of fame. The infamous 100x100 In and Out Burger or One Red Paperclip are examples of this.

Callum is having his own acts of discovery at the moment. I may have mentioned previously that he has begun rolling from his back to his stomach. This is a common occurrence now. He therefore is spending more time on his stomach, and exploring things which are placed before him. As the picture shows, he can get quite enthralled in what's around him. He's also discovered the water bottle, which seems to be both a source of relief and a source of amusement. We have only half heartedly tried him with formula bottles so far, and he's had a little taste of rusks. I think once he starts hoeing in, he will end up as big as Ethan.

Speaking of Ethan, last night he and one of his friends had their first "trial" lesson of Tae Kwon Do at one of the local community centres. Unfortunately, I think he has inherited my uncoordinated nature, however, this is offset by his current enthusiasm to try it out. Tonight Anth gave him another trial session where he kicked and punched at a pillow, whilst trying to avoid standing on Callum and having the odd swat at Aidan. We have to temper all of this with "No Hurting" Aidan. I think like all of us, Aidan can be very frustrating for Ethan at times.

Aidan's acts of discovery are new words. Once he latches on to it, it becomes word of the day, or week, or month. Both sets of grandparents well know the phrase "Going to the Beach?!" His latest word is "People", as in "The People go to school" or "The People go to the shops". Sometimes we wonder who all these people are, and sure enough Aidan will meet them all when we go to these locations!

Ciao for Now, Observational Angry Dad.


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