Tuesday, February 07, 2006

You Dirty Rat

Ok, so I'm still sick. I ended up working from home today, as well as spending extra time in bed. A few nice doses of Panadol also helped keep the headaches away, until they came home from school. Boom Tish!

Being sick doesn't help when you get woken up in the middle of the night. In this instance it wasn't the kids, it wasn't the dog, and it wasn't even being woken by the sound of your own snoring or farting. It was by a dirty rat.

Close by where we live they have been doing a lot of new housing estate development. This usually means a movement of the vermin population. Now I'm not talking 100's or even 10's of rats. We've only got one. But one is enough. I hate rats. I hate anything that is spooky and gets me up in the night, because I am basically a big chicken, and we know what rats do to chicken's now don't we?

We set traps, but it didn't stop the rat at 12:30pm, 1:30am, 3:00am and 4:00am gnawing at the wooden door into the kid's bedrooms. We've now laid bait. I can even here the stupid thing in the study. Laying bait and traps with kids and pets around is incredibly dangerous, so we have to ensure that neither can get anywhere near them. I just hope it knocks the rat out. We shall see.

Ciao for Now, not a fancy rat or rat fancier Angry Dad


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