Tuesday, October 31, 2006

A New One

Last night Anth and I had a brief discussion, which Aidan overheard, about getting a second hand computer for the kids to play with. My work occasionally does an auction sale of their old equipment, which means that you usually can pick up a computer cheaply. I'd noticed them doing a cleanout the other day, which I mentioned to Anth. She jumped on the idea, saying I had to make sure I got one.

Aidan, little treasure that he is, also jumped on the idea. At the time he was still in his school uniform. He bolted off to his room, and the next thing I know he's standing in our room with a clean set of clothes all ready to go out and buy himself a new computer. He thought that since we'd mentioned "Computer" and "Aidan" within the same sentence, that immediately meant he was getting one.

It hasn't stopped since. When he woke up this morning, his first words were "New One?" When I picked him up from after school care, he greeted me with "New One?" "New One What?" I responded, having briefly forgotten the morning kerfuffle. "New Computer!" "Oh That, Not Yet Aidy..." Wrong response, as it was followed by tears. I sure hope they have that auction soon!

Ciao for Now, I want a new one too Angry Dad.


Blogger carrie said...

Get one! Get one! Those boys will have it figured out in no time and it will amaze you!

McRae does weekly "book reports" on our computer and it was so funny the first time because he knew how to do EVERYTHING, turn on the computer, open the right application, save, change the font, size, allignment and even print - all without our help. I guess our school's are doing something right!


3:56 am  

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