Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Ethan has taken up Auskick. Auskick is the Australian Rules Football program for learning the basics of Aussie Rules. I'm wrapped that he is doing it, as its my favourite game. Having been brought up in Victoria, I was brought up on a diet of football, with my favourite team being Carlton. Unfortunately, in Queensland, Rugby is the game of choice, so it is difficult to get a lot of Aussie Rules information, even though they do have an AFL club here.

This afternoon after I got home from work Ethan, Callum and I went down the local park to kick the footy around. As you can see from these two action shots, Ethan is starting to get the hang of it. When he kicks it, he calls it a bomb. My main concern was that he didn't kick it onto the roof of the scout hall which was nearby. Note also how in Queensland, you don't walk around with shoes on. You have to make sure that you play footy in your thongs, and it is important that when you go for a kick that you flick off your thong from the kicking foot, but leave it on the other one. It just looks better.

Callum also had a lot of fun. Our little stuntman waddled around Ethan and I as we kicked the footy. Just minutes before this photo was taken he managed to dive head first onto the grass. If he only had of taken a mark of the footy it would have been that much more spectacular. Unfortunately, it was more the point that he just decided to dive forward onto the grass. Hence the look of the red nose, and windswept hair. But as the T-Shirt says, he does his own stunts.

Ciao for Now, Kick it to me Angry Dad.


Blogger Jenn said...

OMG the shirt the shirt I NEED to have that shirt! LOLOLOLOL

4:29 am  
Blogger Grim Reality Girl said...

Love the shirt too! Great pics of cute kids. How the heck to you play sports in flip flops though?? YIKES!

8:21 am  
Blogger Bec said...

Hi Angry Dad, and thanks for introducing yourself. The thong thing? I grew up in northern NSW and in summer, at least, that's how we played too (but yes, sorry, it was rugby for the boys, hockey for the girls - not a bomb in sight!)

So glad your biggest boy is enjoying the sport: and when *is* the new computer arriving? Is it there yet? Is it there yet? Is it there...

9:28 pm  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

Callum is so dang cute. He's just toooooooo cute. And yeah, the shirt is great. i don't get the thong thing, but I am a girl and an American, so I'm hopeless I suppose. :)

9:24 am  

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