Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Being tired - The Internet is bad Mmm-Okay...

The Internet is Bad. Broadband is bad. Blogging is bad. is bad. Well, its mainly that last statement which is bad. I've been staying up late at night playing poker. I decided I'd get on the whole "World Series of Poker" bandwagon, and see what it was like to play online poker - on the possible expectation of sitting down at a Poker table at a casino. Given how rapidly I'm losing play money, this could be a very bad situation using real money. It's pretty sad isn't it. I finally got around to getting Broadband, a new home PC, and updating my whole suite of programs, and I spend most of the time surfing for crap and gambling.

This has subsequently led to a number of late nights. Late nights followed by early mornings result in me having a lack of sleep. This culminated tonight in falling asleep with the baby in the recliner chair whilst trying to watch the Simpsons, at around 7:45pm. This must be a signal for the older kids to play up, because I woke to them having much merriment throwing clothes all around the lounge room. Of course, I woke up in true Angry Dad fashion and yelled at them to get to bed. I must have still been groggy, as they just laughed as they bolted off.

To top it off, my late night internet philandering is followed by a nightly reading of a novel by James Frey called "A Million Little Pieces". Basically, this is about drug abuse and rehabilitation, narrated first hand, brutally honest and incredibly frustrating. You don't necessarily get a sense of why this guy wasted his life in the first place, but he definitely wasted his life. That said, I'm only half way through at the moment. I hope I can steer my children away from ever getting a heavy dependency on drugs. Quite ironic coming from a guy who in his youth smoked dope and used to get spifflicated (read drunk) at the drop of a hat. Fortunately for my wife, in 15 years she's never seen me drunk!

Ciao for Now, Angry Dad.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

We all have our "vices" - my current addiction that keeps me up late at night is playing my new PC game - Guild Wars! I stay up waaaayyy to late for that. Hmmm its a PC game you play online - maybe you should get it - we can form a guild and rule the world...hahaha! OH and plotting my escape from MN back to SC.....that takes up a lot of time too :)

11:43 pm  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

OH and have you heard the recent news about the book you have been reading??? The article is on Yahoo.

11:20 am  
Blogger Wes said...

I heard the controversy about "A Million Little Pieces", and CNN apparently have been running stories on it. Refer to this CNN News Story about it.

I'll have to try out Guild Wars, but at this moment, I don't think I could go another Internet addiction! Hope your plotting is going well.

9:45 pm  

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