Saturday, March 11, 2006

I spy with my little eye... Gold!

A typical game to play with kids, particularly when you're in the car, is "I spy with my little eye". The basic gist is saying something along the lines of "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with the letter C", and then the other participants start guessing things like Car, Can, Crocodile, Colloquialism... you get it don't you?

Anyways, we went in to the city this afternoon to the Brisbane Botanic Gardens and all walked around, before heading up in to the city for drinks. On the way home, we started playing this game. The main participants were myself, Anth and Ethan, with Aidan chiming in every now and again with something non-sensical. Today Anth and I were in a particularly stupid mood, and we annoyed Ethan by doing a very rapid exchange.

Anth:I spy with my little eye, something beginning with T.
Angry Dad: Tree?
Anth: Yep, your turn.
Angry Dad: I spy with my little eye, something beginning with C.
Anth: Car?
Angry Dad: Yep, your turn.
Anth: I spy with my little eye, something beginning with S.
Angry Dad: Sign?
Anth: Yep, your turn.
Angry Dad: I spy with my little eye, something beginning with R (as we drove up to a railway).
Anth: Railway?
Angry Dad: Yep, your turn.
Ethan sat fuming in the back, then started wailing that we were too fast, and he wasn't getting a turn. That's when Anth said, "I spy with my little eye, something beginning with G". The conversation then went a little like this.

Angry Dad: Grass?
Anth: Nup its inside the car.
Angry Dad: Giant Worms?
Anth: No!
Ethan: Giant Pencil?
Anth: No, its IN the car.
Angry Dad: Gingivitis?
Anth: I'll give you Gingivitis.
Angry Dad: You're the one who's got it. In your crotch! (Yes, I am smut man!)
Anth: You don't get Gingivitis in your crotch, you idiot.
Angry Dad: Isn't it like a yeast infection?
Anth (in hysterics): No, that would be a Yeast Infection, wouldn't it.
Angry: So that's called Vaginavitis then?
Anth: No no no... shush, not in front of the kids.
Angry Dad: So what's in your crotch then?
All was quiet, until a little voice piped up from the back seat...

Ethan: Gold!

He's right, it starts with G.

Ciao for Now, Gold Seeking Angry Dad.


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