Monday, June 12, 2006

The Donut Rush

We had a public holiday for the Queen's Birthday today. Funny thing that, as it isn't really her birthday. Just like what she currently represents today, its basically just a figurehead day for a figurehead monarch. Its not that I don't like the idea of the monarchy, however, I do wonder what relevancy she now has to Australia. We should do what the Canadian's did and although remaining part of the Commonwealth, we should drop ties to the monarchy. I think we've grown up enough since our convict days to get some level of indepedence. Besides that, our original inhabitants weren't tied to any distant land like we are!

As it was a holiday, we spent the morning lazing around, and the early afternoon doing some yard work. That's when we decided that we should go to the local shopping mall to do some window shopping. We arrived late in the afternoon, which meant that most people were on their way out. Unfortunately, this also coincided with most of the smaller stores shutting down early. This can be good and bad. In our case it was good, because Donut King had a special 5 Donuts for 5 Dollars. It was bad, because I bought 5 donuts.

I'm not sure what other people experience with donuts. Donuts are one of the greatest foods ever invented. When done well, they are deliciously moist on the inside, with a delicate fluffy centre and encased in a sugary sweet glaze, often topped off with sprinkles. Variations add chocolate lollies, or the magnificent jam filled centre. There is a reason why the moniker "MMMmmm Donuts" is associated with this culinary delight.

The problem with donuts is feeding them to your children. There's no denying that there is a sugar high associated with their devouring. In our kids, this comes on fast, and comes on strong. One donut is enough to do it, and with Aidan, its like he's on speed. Best to give him one after you've been into the shops, rather than before. My mistake was to give it to him before. So we spent a grand half hour in K-Mart dashing after Aidan, and trying to placate Ethan, whilst they ran through the toys section demanding various toys for themselves. Luckily, I'll always be too tight to succumb, donuts or not!

Ciao for Now, Donut Loving Angry Dad.


Blogger Mama en Fuego said...

Not a huge donut fan but my husband loves them. I on the other hand and a slut for a good bagel. Not too toastie, not too soft, just the right amount of cream cheese...*drool*

1:54 am  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

In the words of Homer Simpson...mmmmmmmm donuts!

But I am picky - it has to be Krispy Kreme donuts....

2:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch! Kids on speed, whether from donuts, ice cream or the rare bit of candy, is not a pretty sight. I feel for you. And I know that it will be a lonnnnggg time before you offer donuts to your kids BEFORE you go shopping.

7:57 am  
Blogger Undercover Angel said...

Jake always makes fun of me, because everytime he sends me into Tim Horton's to get coffee, I come out with donuts or cinnamon roles. I can't help myself...

12:39 pm  

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