Sunday, July 23, 2006

Separation Anxiety

Last night was our second night of having Callum sleep in his own cot for the night, rather than in our bed. I even went to bed early knowing that the extra sleep was going to be a requirement. Lucky.

Callum woke up a few times between midnight and 3:00am, but quickly resettled back to sleep. From then on, it became a battle. Anth says that she was up from 3:00am every 20 minutes or so to do the pat. The pat technique involves tapping his back quickly, and then slowing it down over the course of about 2 minutes, which allows him to settle into the rhythm, and generally gets him back to sleep. I didn't think it was as early as 3:00am, but I know I was awake from just before 4.

So from 3:00am, every 20 minutes Anth was up, doing the pat, and then trying to get herself back into bed. The problem with our bed is it creaks, ever so slightly, when you get into it. No matter what Anth did, as she got into bed, it would creak, and Callum would wake up again. He'd cry and whimper, then stop for a few minutes, then start again, the ease up, and then let it rip. All in 20 minutes cycles. At 5:00am, I finally got out of bed, and went to the loo for a slash. When I jumped into bed, that's when Anth let rip.
"Your are allowed to get up and pat him you know."
"Grumble, mumble, it's 5:00am, haven't slept since before 4, can't he just get in the bed... grumble mumble"
"I'VE BEEN UP SINCE 3:00AM! Get your lazy arse out of bed. He's NOT coming back into bed. I'm not doing this for 2 hours to have him in bed. PAT HIM."
"Grumble Mumble, I'll take him to the couch. Grumble Mumble."
"I'm gonna kill you if you don't pat him."
"We're all gonna kill each other if we don't get some sleep."

So I took him into the lounge room, where he fell asleep on top of me, I fell asleep in the recliner, and Anth got the bed to herself until 7:30. No killings were had. We'll see what happens tonight!

Ciao for Now, Tired Angry Dad.


Blogger Pollyanna said...

OH MAN. I so remember those days. What am I talking about? Connor is 5 and he still gets into bed with us 4 nights out of 7. OY. When I wake up and his feet are not planted in the middle of my backside I get worried and think he met a tragic fate. I will jump up and run into his room and find him asleep in his OWN bed. AUGH. The joy. And then the next night about 3AM he's back in bed with us. *sigh*

4:29 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

O.K. Angry Dad, we need to talk. I like you. I like reading your blog. But, man, if you don't start stepping up and sharing the patting I am going to board a flight to Australia and kill you myself. Are we clear?

You and Anth conceived him together, you both need to help him to learn to sleep in his new bed together...the key word being BOTH

9:31 am  
Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

Awwwwwww, good luck. That is so hard. I remember.


12:32 pm  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Its a never ending battle. Toby has pretty much always slept in his bed until he was 2 - and realized that he can get up in the middle of the night and sneak into my bed while I sleep. Its rare that a week goes by without him sneaking in at some point - last night was no exception....he's a snuggler - what can I say...

10:17 pm  
Blogger Wes said...

Wow, lots of interesting comments. We are kind of trying the Ferber method, we just don't have enough room in the house to put the cot somewhere else easily accessible.

And OneTallMomma, I'm trying (yes - very trying), but its so hard at 5:00am. I love my sleep. Please let me sleep... Mmmm sleep. I promise I'll be good when I wake up.

11:01 pm  
Blogger mollymcmo said...

we did ferber too, that being said with our last we're having some problems too as she shares our room.

it gets better as they get older, that just doesn't help for right now kwim?! LOL!


11:33 pm  
Blogger Jenn said...

Angry Dad I'm surprised at you!!! Lettin the wife do all the work! *tsk tsk tsk* It's so hard with the crib (cot) in your room. When I went on vacatiom and had allie sleeping in the room with us, she almost always ended up in bed. Cause they can SEE YOU! Once they see you it's all over. It might be harder to get up to go to another room.....but you gotta get him out. It will be soooo much easier I promise!

I couldn't do Cry It Out for longer than 5 min either. And NO WAY your doin it with him in your room!

ummm BTW what is a slash??

4:10 am  

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