Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Kentucky Remorse, Watermelon and Jogging

"Buyer's Remorse". Wikipedia defines it as the emotional condition whereby a person feels remorse or regret after the purchase of an item. I have it tonight, although in my rephrasing it is called "Kentucky Remorse", or for the new age "KFC Remorse." You see, this evening we had our two monthly odd take-away dinner from Kentucky Fried Chicken. I always feel a huge desire to eat Kentucky if I haven't had it for a while. I always feel remorse afterwards.

After I had managed to eat 3 pieces, Aidan decided that he would like a drumstick. As he started, he decided he didn't like the skin. What? That's the best part. He spent the next few minutes peeling it off, and passing it to me. Waste Not, Want Not. After about 10-15 minutes of the so called meal, Anth decided to get out some watermelon for the kids. At least this way they would have a smidgen of health with their meal. Callum certainly liked it, and I woofed down a few slices to try to smother the delicious fatty goodness that is KFC.

Perhaps half an hour after that the real remorse started to kick in. That's when I usually drink a good 2 litres of water. I also decided that I should go out for a run. Half an hour's jogging should at least work off the skin Aidan gave me. So I ran. About 15 minutes in I started to cramp up. The fatty colagulate had made it into my bloodstream so everything slowed up. About this time the regret part of Kentucky Remorse kicked in. I managed to lumber home, but now I don't feel so good.

Ciao for Now, Ohhh My Tummy Hurts Angry Dad.


Blogger Jenn said...

Oh if that's not the WORST thing you could have done! LOL

If your gonna eat bad...just sit on the couch and let it do it's deed on you!!!

p.s. that picture is adorable!

4:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with jenn on both counts -- adorable picture and rest after over eating.... KFC -- I share this guilty pleasure...

11:44 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, you gotta learn to just be a couch potato after eating like that. Your poor body probably went into shock, trying to run and digest all that yumminess...

I'm not a KFC girl myself. EWWW. But give me pizza any day.

2:58 am  
Blogger carrie said...

Oh no. I can totally relate - and the other ladies are right, don't jostle the grease so soon after ingesting it, bad idea!!


5:31 am  

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