Wednesday, November 15, 2006

You forgot and I scared you

Ever have those moments where you forget something important, but carry on regardless without thought for what you may have forgotten. I came across someone doing that this morning on my way to work. I scared the shit out of him. Imagine, if you will, that you're sitting in your car, you start the engine, and you carefully pull out from the curb. Out of the corner of your eye you catch movement, and you turn to see this particular head at your window, with the arms of this person gesticulating wildly. Wouldn't you jump out of your seat and drive forward, trying to lock your car door as you drove away?

The reason I was waving wildly was that I'd seen a our poor car hero casually getting into his car after he'd been out for a bike ride. He'd obviously just put his expensive cycle onto the roof racks of his car, but in his haste, he'd forgotten that the front wheel of his bike had been left resting against the front of his car. He was all dressed up in the full cycling gear. The bike looked expensive, as did the wheel. When I realised he was getting into his car, and then that he was going to pull out, I thought "Shit No! The Wheel!", so I tried to get his attention.

Of course, me trying to get his attention meant that he drove over the top of his bike wheel. Fortunately, he didn't drive onto the wheel, more over it and once he'd stopped and realised that maybe I wanted to tell him something, he opened his door and that's when I said "You've run over your bike wheel mate, but I don't think you crushed it." He got out of his car, checked it was ok, then thanked me profusely. I was just sorry I scared him so much!

Ciao for Now, Scary Angry Dad.


Blogger Bec said...

Angry Dad: Bike Samaritan.

5:40 am  
Blogger Jenn said...

LOL I was scared just lookin at the picture.....I could imagine REAL LIFE! LOL

12:18 am  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

That is too funny. I mean not because the guy ran over his bike, but you know what I mean...

2:24 pm  
Blogger carrie said...

That is so funny. There is a guy (employed by Starbucks) who drives around downtown Seattle with a coffee cup on the top of his car. It is jst hilarious to see the people who aren't familiar with the ploy run up to the car and try to tell him. All this fuss over a latte!

At least your neighbor's was a worthy cause, and you were a hero!


5:36 pm  
Blogger LBA said...

Lol ! Hilarious ;)

5:58 pm  

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