Saturday, November 25, 2006

So Very Sick

I went to bed last night not feeling very well. It stayed with me all frickin' night. All up I had about 15 minutes sleep, tossing and turning, annoying Anth and generally calling to anyone to "Please help me". My stomach was churning, and around 3:00am, 5:00am and 6:00am it came out. And I'm talking in such a way that for all of today I've barely been able to stand up.

To top it off, all day today I've had to spend in bed. Towards the second half of the day the dire rear set in. Oh what a joy I've been to live with. I did manage to get some sleep by drugging myself up, but it hasn't taken away much of the pain. I don't really know where it came from. I though food poisoning, but no one else got it. I think it might be the onset of a bug which has been floating around work. Typical. Pick it up during the week so it wipes you out on the weekend.

So I managed to ruin our plans for today. We were meant to be going up the coast for a weekend away. Instead, Anth has had to put up with single handedly dealing with all three kids indoors for most of the day. She did take them out later in the afternoon to the local beach, but it would have been nice if I could have participated. It wasn't to be.

Ciao for Now, So Very Sick Angry Dad.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Geez, is everyone sick with this right now? I'm not leaving my house until Christmas.

7:51 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope you are feeling better! Maybe this was kicked off by jogging after KFC? Mint tea....??? Good luck.

2:50 pm  

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