Saturday, April 29, 2006

Space Cadets.

We've all been Space Cadets once in a while. It's those times in your life where you leave reality, and drift off into outer space, not being bothered by those around you nor your surroundings. I must have passed off my aerospatial habits to my children, because they all do it. What got me thinking about it was soccer this morning with Ethan.

Yes, I've become a defacto soccer dad. At least I don't yell abuse from the sidelines, even though sometimes I want to, but that's a whole other story. Watching the kids play, they all turn into Space Cadets at certain parts of the game, some more than others. Take Ethan for example. He misses the other kid running past him with the ball, but rather than give chase, he turns and just stares up into the sky. The mysteries of the planets have taken him. I've also noticed that the goalies on either team are quite good at this. Its not just soccer where this occurs, so perhaps Ethan is a bit of a day dreamer!

As mentioned, the other kids aren't immune. Aidan adds another dimension in that when he's in Space Cadet mode, his eyes tend to go in different directions. This can look quite freaky if you're not expecting it. I'd love to go to the planets Aidan goes to, because you can guarantee they wouldn't be anything like Earth.

Callum too has his Intergalaxial traveling Time. Must be a baby thing. It is not, however, appropriate for shop assistants to go into Space Cadet mode whilst I am holding Callum, waiting to be served. This morning, outside the chicken shop, I'm standing there with Crying child on my hip, staring at the 20 year old shop assistant slowly refilling chicken giblets onto trays. Ah, Hello? Can you hear me, Major Tom? She just continues to spoon away, obviously on another planet whilst I wish she'd return from Outer Space and just bloody serve me!

Ciao for Now, Galaxy Quest Captain Angry Dad.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

So true so true - When Toby was playing tee ball all the little kids would just stand there in their on little worlds which can be dangerous when another one is trowing a baseball at your head.

I wonder when they will grow out of it - Char still has her moments - but then again so do I - like mother like daughter I suppose.

3:12 am  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

Oh Lordy, I thought the space cadet problem only existed with our kids. :) What always cracks me up is when one of my sons, they are 6 & 8, look like they are in deep thought, and I ask them what they are thinking and they say something totally random like "hot air balloons". :) It's like OKAY DOKAY. *L*

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting! I LOVE comments, thanks for saying I had a funny post. *blushs* That my friend, is my highest aspiration in life. (hehehehhe)

11:16 am  

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