Useless stuff about me.
Ok, I've been promising Cheeky that I'd participate in her meme from the 2nd May, where she tagged me to write useless stuff about myself. Again, this isn't really the intent of why I blog, so I'm not gonna pass it on, and I'm going to try to keep a family flair. So here we go.
Ciao for Now, All listed out Angry Dad.
- If you met me, you'd think I was a prententious git.
- If I was on The Young Ones, as much as I'd want to be Vyvyan or Mike the Cool Person, I'm more likely to be considered Rick.
- Ethan is in the top 3% for height and size for his age.
- Aidan is in the bottom 3% for height and size for his age.
- Callum is somewhere in the middle, but has the bluest eyes of all of us.
- I play the guitar. I used to play keyboards. I played the trumpet in school band. I used to think that Aidan was the most musical of the kids, but Ethan has been showing some aptitude lately. I love music!
- I used the Internet as early as 1987, when in Australia it was known as AARNET. I attended the Net (Nerd) Workshops when only about 100 people showed up.
- In the mid 90's my wife and I were hooked on chat, including Powwow and Worlds Chat when they first started. That's where I first met Cheeky! That was before we had kids.
- I had a bout of Repetitive Strain Injury in my wrists and shoulders. This was from using computers too much (and not from masturbation).
- I go to the movies whenever possible. I much prefer it over watching a DVD on TV. Ethan has hopefully joined me in this enjoyment.
- When I was in my 20's I thought I was bulletproof. In my 30's all of those statistics about life (divorce, death, marriage, children) kicked in. I want to break the mold (or is it mould?) on these.
- Wednesday is 84 in human years. She's now an elder stateswoman who still does dog turds and digs holes inappropriately. Can we put it down to old age now?
- I once worked out that I'd need to "win" $70 million to do everything I ever wanted and live well for the rest of my life. With inflation, its probably more like $100 million now. Greed isn't good. I'll settle for a case of beer and a pizza.
- I don't drink, so I'd have to share the beer.
- I totalled a car when I was 17. As I was the driver, and banged my head in the wreck, I had to wear a bandage for a while. I therefore was dubbed "Turban Head." You can't drive 100kmh on a dirt road at 17.
- I've been to five AFL Grand Finals. Carlton won three of them. I wish the glory days would come back at the moment.
- I'm a reality TV junky, although most of it is crap. Absolute Crap. I like the psychology of it, which is another way of saying I like watching crap.
- My family have been indoctrinated into the Simpsons. When Aidan was in a coma after his seizure, I tried singing him the Simpsons theme tune to see if he'd recognise it.
- I have to call Anth's parents by their surnames. They are Mr and Mrs W. It freaks me out to call them by their maiden names. I blame it on the schooling I had.
- When shopping, I sometimes have to bribe my children to behave. I now realise that sugary treats like donuts are not good bribes. I'd rather them be bad without a sugar rush, than good with one. Donuts of themselves aren't bad. Don't say a bad thing about donuts. MMMmmmm Donuts.
- I often wonder if anyone reads these lists, or do they just do it so they can say, "I wrote a list."
- For our first date, Anth and I went and saw the Steve King Horror Flick "Pet Sematary."
- Aidan was a bum shuffler, and Ethan was a crawler. Callum, at 7 months, can't decide if he'll do either.
- Brussel Sprouts make me vomit.
- I blog because I can. I hope you like it.
Ciao for Now, All listed out Angry Dad.
thanks! I know this isn't the reason you set up the blog but you know I like to know more about ya!
Wait - I already do!
{{hugs}} to my longest internet buddy!!!
i blog because i can! lol
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