Tuesday, May 02, 2006

You Stupid Man.

I am a man. A male. A big arsed Gluteus Maximus. Or should that be Stupidus Maximus.

Here is a snippet of a phone conversation I had at 3:30pm with my wife.

"So Aidan is going to after school care, and I have book club tonight. Can you pick Aidan up at 6:00pm, that way you'll be home for me to go to book club."

At around 3:55pm I got another phone call, this time from Ethan because Anth was driving. From what I could discern, there was no after school care, so I didn't need to pick Aidan up. This was fine. At 5:05pm, when I should have left work to be home by 6:00pm, I rang Anth up to confirm I didn't have to pick Aidan up.

"Ok, so Aidan didn't go to care, so I don't have to pick him up?"
"That's right. When are you leaving?"
"I should be leaving now."

Now, being a stupid man, I can only concentrate on one thing at a time. My one task mind thought "I don't have to pick Aidan up. La La La. Aren't watermelons great?" (my mind is a bit flakey)

Remember, I've said I'm coming straight home. So I turn off my PC, I pick up my bag, and I leave. Then I think, I need a leak before I go home, so I go to the loo. I stop and have a conversation with someone, thinking that won't take too much time, which it didn't. Onwards. I catch another colleague at the lifts. He starts up a conversation. I get out with him to continue our discussion. I see another colleague, who asks if I can see him for a minute. That's fine, I don't have to pick up Aidan. Around 5:50pm I leave. Its an hour trip home.

Anth rings me at around 6:20pm.

"Where are you?"
"I'm about 8 minutes away." (I can be precise when pressured.)
"Did you forget I had bookclub?"
"I didn't forget."
"Liar! You stupid man!"

Actually, that last statement wasn't said, but it may as well have been. It is no solace to Anth that there are four males in the house, and no doubt we will all be the same.

Ciao for Now, The Stupid Angry Dad.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Doh! Looks like you have some making up to do!

But don't feel too bad - I do that kind of stuff all the time - kids just suck the brain power out of you (and it appears to be something from which there is no recovery).

10:19 pm  
Blogger Undercover Angel said...

LOL! I have the same problem. I think being a parent almost turns a person into a zombie - I can't think half the time!

11:19 pm  
Blogger Jenn said...

Awwww that poor poor woman! She's surrounded!!! =oP

11:47 pm  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

OH VEY. I sense some MAJOR kissing up in your future. My husband does stuff like that to me ALL THE TIME and it drives me crazy. And makes me insanely mad as well. Did you wife beat you about the head and shoulders when you finally got home? Did she miss her bookclub?
Also, good for you. You're a brave soul to post your story in the midst of all us mommies with forgetful husbands!

6:13 am  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Oh and you have been tagged - check out my blog for details

11:11 am  
Blogger Kristin said...

hey, angry dad... are you my husband ;-) !

2:28 pm  

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