Thursday, July 27, 2006

Netball and life's little fantasies

Anth and I had a discussion this morning about what we both believed the other did during their normal weekday. It comes down to that if we did live in the fantasy world each of us believes the other is in, then we'd both be extremely happy. Anth believes that once I leave the house and go to work, it is a fun filled day of messin' with the boys, everyone mucks around, and we spend all day playing computer games. I believe that once I leave the house, the kids are magically whisked off to school, and Anth gets to laze in front of the TV, go shopping, sleep, and go and have coffee and cakes with the girls. If only it were true in both cases.

Now we both know that the reality of the situation is different to what we believe. This was hit home yet again this evening, when I had to forego Taekwondo training to look after the kids. Anth has taken up Netball, and her first game was this evening. This means that our previous Thursday routine has now changed. I got home around 6:30pm, and Anth was out watching Ethan do Taekwondo. I just assumed that dinner was done. She got home at 7:10pm and said, "Where's Dinner?" Uh, Oh. Each thought the other would arrange it. We tried to cook some old fish fingers, but they were disgusting, so I rushed out for some chicken takeaway.

As time crept to 8:00pm I had to go and pick up Aidan from his special care, and had to take the kids, whilst Anth got picked up for her game. The next hour, during which Anth alone or we together settle the kids, meant that I, alone, had to do it. I'm not so good at this. I had to juggle Aidan not understanding where Mummy was, and throwing tantrums, with doing Ethan's homework, and feeding the baby. I also had to get all three ready for bed. It was hard. I understand what Anth goes through everyday and it isn't the fairytale. Now, if I could just get her into my work to dispell her side of the myth!

Ciao for Now, Keeping it Real Angry Dad.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

You don't play games all day?? Are you sure?? hehe

Its nice when the other side gets a glimpse of your day.....doesn't really happen much around here though

3:47 am  
Blogger Susan said...

Great post! I spent 10 years in the computer biz, so I have a pretty good idea what my husband does all day. But he hasn't spent 10 years at home with 2 boys under the age of 3! He gets his glimpses here and there, and that helps. But sometimes I wish he could feel what it was like to do it 10 hours a day, 5 days a week.... ALONE.

8:31 am  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

Yeah, my hubby got a glimpse of my life a few years ago when he was off work and was Mr Mom for 6 months when I went back to school. After that he realized that being a SAHM is hard hard work for everybody! And now that I'm working outside the home I understand how hard HE works. Geez. These things are awfully complicated aren't they? Do they have a take-your-wife-to-work-day at your office??!?!? :) Hahaha

1:40 pm  
Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

How nice that you traded places and got to see the other's reality. It sounds like you both cover for each other nicely though, despite a few glitches in the beginning.


2:00 pm  
Blogger carrie said...

My husband and I have that same conversation all the time! I say "okay, I'll trade you places and go squirt water from a hose all day and you can stay home with the kids"! Good thing we both know that we're kidding, and both jobs are hard and stressful, but one can dream, can't they?


4:22 pm  

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