Friday, July 28, 2006

Puzzles and Games

At the start of the year Anth and I went through a big phase of having to play Sudoku. This is a number puzzle game that was introduced in the local newspaper, and they began having a puzzle every day. So, every day, Anth and I would draw up copies of it to see who could do it the quickest. She was able to solve them faster, in the main, as her ability to scan and write alternative numbers down was quicker than mine. My main problem, other than being not as smart as she is, was due to my atrocious handwriting and being able to decipher the alternate numbers I'd written down.

We've always liked puzzles and games, but we go through different phases. We had a time when Connect-4 and Yahtzee were good, because you could play them quickly. Anth can always be guaranteed to beat me on Rock, Paper, Scissors as well. I always pick Rock. I Think its because of an episode of The Simpsons called "The Front", when Bart and Lisa play the game:
LISA: Look, there's only one way to settle this. Rock-paper-scissors.
LISA'S BRAIN: Poor predictable Bart. Always takes `rock'.
BART'S BRAIN: Good ol' `rock'. Nothin' beats that!
BART: Rock!
LISA: Paper.
BART: D'oh!

The kids have a variety of games they like playing. Mouse Trap was very popular for a while. We've been through stages of Snakes and Ladders, Hungry Hungry Hippos (Hey, I resemble that remark!), Twister, and the Hi-5 game. We also have lots of memory games and jigsaw puzzles that the kids like. It's all fun isn't it, and its great when you can get together and interact.

Ciao for Now, Pick Rock Every Time Angry Dad.


Blogger Kel said...

I've yet to try Sudoku. Maybe when I get a bit more brain power I'll try to tackle it.

Thanks so much for commenting on my blog, and I do believe you have it much worse Wiggle wise than we do here in the states.

Hopefully I won't have to deal with Captians Christmas Pants until December. LOL

12:01 am  
Blogger carrie said...

Sounds fun. I love Battleship, but my husband thinks I cheat - that's because he's a poor loser!! Ha Ha!!! It's the only game I can beat him at, so I figure that's why!


3:35 am  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Rock is dead - long live paper and Scissors! (I saw that on a bumper sticker).

Love games love love them!

7:32 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bridge, baby, Bridge! If you like to play games, it is the ultimate. Find a couple you both like, pick a night, get a good beginners book and have a go. No lie, it rocks!

8:44 am  
Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

my husband loves sudoku, but i am too stupid to do do them. I love trivial pursuit and charades. wow, games are so fun. you are right.

At adult parties, when a game is pulled out, I groan, but ultimately have a fantastic time.

Oh, and by adult parties, I just mean ones without a clown, balloons and cake.


9:17 am  

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