Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Cough Cough... Who's there?

Ever noticed how when one kid at the local school goes out for the count, and your kid comes home and says "So and So was off school today sick...." that invariably your kid will be off school sick, and some other kid will be going home repeating that same phrase to their parents? Today, Ethan is that child.

He's got an ongoing cough, which of course meant that he could stay home and watch DVD's and play Mouse Trap, but God help him if you asked him to pick up his cars off the floor, or if you asked him to help out in any way. "Wail... I'm Sick... Cough... I'm so sick... Cough... And so tired.... Wail." My tolerance level wasn't very high this evening, and after he sat through a repeat episode of the Simpsons with nary a peep, when it came time to coming to the table for dinner it started up again.

"Cough, Cough. I'm not Hungry. Cough, Cough." We managed to get him to the table, and to eat some of his dinner, although it didn't last long. Then he went and sat at my feet and proceeded to cough all over me. I don't want his stinkin' cough! That's when I told him that if he'd finished dinner, and if he was sick, he should go to his room. Tears. Anth chastised me because he really is sick. I think I redeemed myself this evening because he's managed to sit up and fall asleep on the couch beside me sucking on a "cough drop lollipop". Now to carry him to bed.

Ciao for Now, Not Coughing Yet Angry Dad.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Its amazing how even if kids are sick they can still manage to turn it on or off. My one hard and fast rule - if you are sick enough to stay home from school - you are sick enough to stay in your room and rest...in the bed...not playing with your friends or playing Xbox or whatever.

10:30 pm  

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