Monday, June 05, 2006

Sanibel Island

I decided today that I wanted to spend some more time with my sister on Sanibel Island. They are very lucky to live there because aside from the hurricanes, it seems an idyllic place. My sister had shown me around bits and pieces on Saturday, and we had even gone up to the old lighthouse where I did one of those kooky lets see if you can pretend you're holding it in your hands photo shoots. It didn't quite work out, so I just look like a wanker.

This morning we bummed around the house for a while, when Mark had the novel idea of renting scooters. At this point, I have to say that both Mark and Tania are two of the most generous people I know. They both seem like they've got ADD, and they're constantly on the go, but their generosity doesn't really know any bounds. Mark hired the scooters, and we set off to ride around the Island. Of course, Mark decided to go places that we weren't supposed to, like over the causeway, and along a stretch of the coast which had been partially washed away. Here we are doing things we're not supposed to!

As we travelled we came across two kids who had a fair dinkum lemonade stand. I thought this was just one of those television myths, but there they were, a boy and a girl holding up signs which read
Awesome Lemonade, 50 cents. So Mark decided to stop, and we bought some, and they were right, it was pretty good. Mark ended up giving them far more than 50 cents for their entrepreneurial skills! We also managed to get rained on as we rode around. It was a bit like Melbourne, four seasons in one day. Although it pelted down, and it hurts being on a scooter in the rain, it quickly cleared and was hot and humid again.

Further into our journey, I had to stop and take this photo of one of the fish letterboxes. This type of thing is all over the island. They have fish, flamingo, and even dolphins made out for the postie. Most are also painted with some scene from the island. Very quaint. The only thing I wasn't quite sure of was that Mark kept telling me their were alligators everywhere, so not to go anywhere near the island internal waterways. Crikey Mate!

Ciao for Now, Island Scooter Angry Dad.


Blogger mollymcmo said...

ok, once again hot angry dad! no wanker there!

the scooters looked fun, and crikey about the alligators!! LOL!


8:42 pm  
Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

Love the mailboxes - such fun!

Glad you had a great day - well sounds like weekend....hope the conference isn't too boring today...hehe

11:53 pm  
Blogger Pollyanna said...

Too funny. I am so glad you had fun with your sister & fam. And yes, there is alligators in Florida. My husband went there when he was a kid and was playing golf with his dad and there was real live alligators on the golf course! How crazy is that?!?! He said everybody who lives there kind of takes it in stride. personally I would never get used to seeing a alligator out and about!

12:07 pm  
Blogger Mama en Fuego said...

hee said "Wanker"

9:13 am  

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