Sunday, December 10, 2006

Mutant Bug

Oh Man. The lovely strain of bug that I passed on to Anth yesterday has managed to mutate and get back in my body today. Suffice to say, all I've been able to hold down is two slices of toast and water. Anth just woke me up, and as I can't get back to sleep I pulled myself out of my death stench to write this. Yes, I also stink.

I've been tagged by a few people to write something weird about me. This is almost weird enough. I'll try more tomorrow.

Anth only had it for a day. Maybe I'll be lucky.

Ciao for Now, Mutant Z Angry Dad.


Blogger Bec said...

How's the mutant -sorry, patient today?
Much better I hope?
One of my party guests on Saturday works for a Big Pharmaceutical. he told me they have a new drug that kills everything: viral, bacterial, you name it. If only they could get it approved!

4:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're a better man than me.....i tell my blog to piss off and die if i;m that's dedication my friend!

9:22 am  
Blogger carrie said...

Okay, I'm sending you and your family a case of "Airborne" and vitamin C!!! Enough, already!


9:57 am  
Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

wow get better soon. don't worry about the tag, I hereby Detag you!


12:56 pm  

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