Thursday, December 07, 2006

I've passed it on

It was inevitable, I guess. Eventually one of the other members of the family was going to get sick. Unfortunately, its Aidan. From about 11:00pm last night, around every hour he was sick. I got up for the first two, but from then on it was Anth on her own. Aside from still feeling sick myself, I couldn't fathom having to look after someone else who was sick. Pathetic really. I don't know how Anth's eyes aren't lolling our of her head.

Aidan, little trooper that he is, really wanted to go to school today. The reason for this was because they had a school trip to see Santa. He actually had perked up in the morning, and even though both Anth and I thought we might get "the call" during the morning, nothing was forthcoming. Once we made it to lunch, we thought that maybe he just had an overnight bug, and nothing as serious as what I'd got.

But when he got back from seeing Santa, we found out that he had actually made it to Santa, but shortly after was sick. He recovered quickly and was ok enough to get home on the school bus, although for most of the rest of the afternoon he was curled up on the couch. Lucky Santa didn't get spewed on. Imagine trying to get that out of your nice white beard? I guess it happens.

Ciao for Now, Lets Share the Love Angry Dad.


Blogger Wendy aka Cheeky said...

I am sooo glad Aiden made it to see Santa but oh so sad he now has the dreaded bug. I hate it when kids get sick. Being sick yourself is bad enough but it just seems harder when the kids are sick.

Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon!

11:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope he feels better. Hate when the whole family comes down with the gut you started. Ugh.

By the way.... I'm doubling the wierd meme tag -- you are it!!

2:01 am  
Blogger carrie said...

It always comes around to everyone, doesn't it??? Hope he feels better soon, and Ethan and Callum don't get it at the same time because man, those are good times with 2 kids puking in unison!!!


6:04 pm  

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