Wednesday, December 06, 2006

What we did on the weekend

As the past day hasn't been that good to me, I thought I'd reflect on the weekend where things were a little better. On Sunday, our Taekwondo club had their Christmas party. This was very well organised, and they even went to the trouble of getting gifts for all the kids from each family, regardless of if they trained or not. This meant not only did Ethan get a gift, but Callum and Aidan did also. I'm really proud of how family oriented they are. Callum was pretty good, but tended to be a bit of a mummy's boy.

Ethan, on the other hand, was out and about with everybody. They had games on the field near where everyone set up their chairs and tables, as well as having a jumping castle. Even after getting an accidental smack in the mouth, he still kept on going back for more. It was quite warm on Sunday, so his only problem was making sure we kept him in fluids for the day!

Aidan was Aidan. He had great fun running around and hassling everyone. He has an incredible social gift, which suited us just fine. The good thing about Aidan is he will go and talk to anyone, and that can leave us free to just keep a long eye on him. The bad thing about Aidan is that he will go and talk to anyone, and that does freak some people out! In the main, most people were quite good. Aidan doesn't generally take rejection to heart, to him it just means "Next!".

Ciao for Now, Bring Back The Weekend Angry Dad.


Blogger Kelly Wolfe said...

Sounds like a great weekend. I love the photos. I tagged you on my blog. Don't hurt me.


2:44 pm  
Blogger carrie said...

What a cool taekwondo club, ours doesn't have parties like that (at least not that I'm aware of). We also enjoy how family oriented they are though, and how they encourage the kids to help out and be respectful at home. Sometimes I wish I could just bottle up my son's instructor and bring him home to help!!!


6:02 pm  

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